Our Mission

Some ICI members are Italian by birth or heritage, and some have had the experience of working or studying in Italy. Some visit Italy as often as possible, and like to extend the experience by learning more about Italian history and culture. Others, without any particular experience, may simply be interested in things Italian.

We offer opportunities to study Italian authors (English editions), practice speaking Italian in various venues, and learn the art of “slow cooking” Italian-style from experienced chefs and experts. We learn about various regions of Italy, and sample their wines, olives, olive oils and cheeses. We feature lectures on Italian history and art, our annual film series, and the opportunity to participate in Italian holidays such as Carnevale and the Harvest Festival.

ICI is a 501(c)(3) community-based organization governed by a Board of Directors. Some events are free and open to the public, while other benefits are available to members only. All sponsor fees, grants and other income are used to support ICI programming and scholarships which are periodically awarded to students of Italian art and literature.

We invite you to explore with us the old and new in the Italian cultural and social landscape.