A Tour Guided by head curator, Dr. Bell, fellow Italophile
We are happy to announce that the Italian Cultural Institute has scheduled a tour of the Cincinnati Art Museum for Saturday, July 13, starting promptly at 2 pm. The museum’s head Curator, Doctor Peter Jonathan Bell, has kindly agreed to lead our tour. Doctor Bell is known in America for his work on Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art. Before coming to Cincinnati, Doctor Bell was a curator in the Department of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He is an ardent Italophile.
The tour is $15 for each individual.
The museum has a snack bar and a pleasant restaurant, both open from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm daily. (The museum opens at 11:00 am and closes at 5:00 pm.) The museum website is excellent, and should answer your immediate questions. There will be no admission charge, and parking is free. If you need a ride, ICI will try to help.
If at all possible, please make your reservations immediately as the ICI expects a strong demand for places on this tour and we will need to give the museum the list of reserved places by July 3.
We hope to see you in Cincinnati!