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ICI Membership Renewal for 2019

ICI members, past and present, it’s time to renew your membership! Membership fees are due by the end of February of each year!

The 2018 year was a fun and busy one offering seven major events and activities for you Italophiles to enjoy! There was Carnevale in February, three Italian films in April, “Italian for Travelers” for eight lessons in March and April, a grand dinner and scholarship fundraiser honoring Vincenzo and Agostino Gabriele at Sullivan University, and a delicious meal and presentation on soccer in Italy at ROC restaurant in October. Dr. Chris Fulton presented a fascinating art history lecture in November, and the year’s events were completed with a festive and delicious holiday dinner at Volare in December.

Already your board of directors is busy planning for 2019 but needs to know that all of you will be with us for another great year in ICI. So, right now, as soon as possible, continue your generous support by going online to to pay your membership (sponsorship) for 2019. If you prefer to write a check, please mail it to:

Italian Cultural Institute (ICI) of Louisville

P.O. Box 6253

Louisville, KY 40206-0253

Remember that ICI is a 501c3 (non-profit) organization. Your membership (sponsorship) pays for the minimal operating expenses of ICI and helps support our annual awarding of scholarships. Our membership fees remain the same:

  • Individual: $55.00

  • Family: $75.00

  • Individual under 35: $25.00

  • Couple under 35: $40.00

  • Student: $20.00

A presto!

Donna McCoy and Ros Vicario,

ICI Membership Co-chairs

Family/Couple Sponsorship
Individual Under 35 Sponsorship
Family/Couple Under 35 Sponsorship
Student Sponsorship